About Us — Courier service CSE

More Than Just Delivery!

Our MISSION is to build and develop a logistical network as a part of the global transport infrastructure of Russia. We make the service simple and convenient for the clients, raising efficiency, comfort, accessibility of courier and logistical services.

Courier Service Express is an expert in logistics and service solutions for business

  • 218 countries
  • 27 000 localities
  • More than 7 000 employees
  • Own car fleet which includes 250 various load capacity cars
  • More than 160 branch and representative offices in Russia
  • More than 130 franchising offices
  • 20 000+ clients
  • 20+ years of successful work

Values of the company

Interests of the client

We study demands, expectations of our clients and provide convenient high quality delivery service


Development for us means constant appearance of new ideas and practical implementation of the best of them


Our staff is a team united by a common goal


We observe both our internal corporate values and values of our clients keeping their reliability


We are constantly improving our level of servicing by introducing new technologies and solutions


We value our reputation before clients and partners


We fulfill undertaken obligations and we do everything to surpass expectations of our clients


We are honest in relations with our partners and clients


Courier Service Express started its activity in the courier service market in 1997. Today Courier Service Express is a reliable partner for thousand companies which have chosen high quality and modern services of delivery. Our clients are representatives of small and medium-sized business as well as large Russian and international companies.

Courier Service Express delivers more than 10 000 000 parcels a year and every parcel is a story of a specific person or a company. Many people trust us extra urgent, important, valuable things and many other objects on which not only success of business but also the future depends. Smoothly working logistical schemes and a wide range of transport opportunities allows the company to provide urgent delivery using the principle «from door to door» in Russia, the CIS and in the world. And each parcel delivered in time means one more happy smile of our Client!

The range of services rendered by our company is wide enough. Apart from courier delivery it includes:

  • Сustoms representative and carrier services;
  • Warehouse logistics;
  • Full complex of solutions for Internet shops - fulfillment.

Courier Service Express delivers hazardous freight, transports the parcels requiring observance of the temperature mode, organises mailrooms at offices/representative offices of the clients. Reliability of work with the company is proved by long-term partner relations with leading Russian and foreign companies - leaders of the industry. 

The Company carries out its activity on the basis of a post licence and a certificate of inclusion into the register of customs representatives.


Courier Service Express team consists of skilled specialists – real experts in financial management, delivery, customs and warehouse business, sales, IT and marketing.

We are distinguished by:

  • democratic approach to settlement of all matters;
  • efficient work for achievement of common goals;
  • high quality and operative servicing of our clients.

We do everything to make cooperation with us comfortable and fruitful. We will be glad to help You to solve Your problems!

Quality standards

ISO 9001:2015

According to the mission and strategic targets of the company we adhere to the policy of quality whose purpose is creation and rendering high quality competitive services which meet requirements and expectations of consumers and provide a stable financial position of the company. The basic means to implement the policy in the field of quality is a quality management system (QMS) which corresponds to standard requirements ISO 9001:2015.


For three years Courier Service Express has been supporting Arithmetics of Kindness Charity Foundation to provide orphans with extra lessons to master the basic curriculum and to pass final examinations in order to enter a university.

Socially-focused activity

In 2018 Courier Service Express became a partner of Protogenic Russia Exhibition. It is a festival of wild nature photographs.


On 26 September 2017 at the conference organised by Administration Publishing House Courier Service Express was awarded as "The Best Supplier of 2017".  

In January 2019 Courier Service Express was recognised as the best supplier of courier services according to Samsung SDS. The Company got a gold star "Top Partner Awards ".

Do you have any questions or need help?

We are always happy to help and answer all your questions.
You can find information in the section «Questions and Answers» , ask a question in an online chat or call +7 (8617) 30-01-43
Questions and Answers